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CSHBK-Plus : MYOB Cashbook Extension v1.7 (build 2.18)

The CSHBK-Plus : MYOB Cashbook Extension software is designed to extend the capability of MYOB Cashbook. It was developed when something more was needed and this wasn't available from the standard version of Cashbook.

The CSHBK-Plus : MYOB Cashbook Extension software was designed primarily to handle the entry of Home Office Expenses which are claimed at a fixed percentage; the total GST Inclusive amount is entered, and, CSHBK-Plus handles all the calculations of the claimable amount for you once the transaction amount is entered.

The CSHBK-Plus : MYOB Cashbook Extension software was also designed to provide an extension to the reports that are available ... [ reports available ]

The next thing built into CSHBK-Plus, was to cover the situation where not everything is paid out of the business account - business expenses are sometimes paid out of a personal account, which meant that these expenses and costs were recorded under the Capital account of "Funds Introduced" - the creation of this transaction has been automated into CSHBK-Plus.

During the month, all the transactions are entered into CSHBK-Plus under a single batch. Once all the revenues and expenses were entered, as well as any supplementary entries off the bank statements, a transfer batch is created and "imported" directly into MYOB Cashbook.

Additional functionality has also been added to cover the loading of saved default transactions from a Quick-Load file. For example, if you have some transactions that occur every month, then, SAVE them to the Quick-Load file and then LOAD them when required ... this saves having to enter the transactions manually EVERY month.

The CSHBK-Plus : MYOB Cashbook Extension software can be run without licensing it. The unlicensed version has a few in-built restrictions concerning printing only, otherwise, all reports and functions are available.

What you get with CSHBK-Plus is a robust and easy to use program. It includes on-line help within the system which is available at anytime you require it.

The one-off license fee of $110.00 covers all updates ... what this means is that updates to CSHBK-Plus are free of charge ... see the Licensing Instructions for payment options once you have installed CSHBK-Plus.

What to do: Download the installation program to a location of your choice. Once downloaded, double-click on the program to run the installation routine; follow the instructions given ... once you have started CSHBK-Plus, press function key F1 for the on-line Help

Click here to download and install the latest Upgrade CSHBKPv1.7.0218Install (1.229Mb)

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