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RMBR : Event Reminder Software (continued)

The RMBR Event Reminder Software is designed to provide an excellent means for increasing productivity.

Originally, we developed RMBR for our own use to give us an on-screen reminder when something was due to be done. Subsequently, after using it for quite a while and having extensive testing done by a number of others, RMBR has been developed to fill a hole in the market.

  • RMBR is not linked to any email package;
  • RMBR is not linked to any calendar or appointments software;
  • RMBR can be run stand-alone;
  • RMBR is quick and easy to use.

RMBR is something that runs in the background of your computer; it will start up when you turn on your computer and closes down when you turn off your computer.

Specifically, RMBR accomplishes one specific task and that is to provide an on-screen reminder, with an optional sound, about “something” that you want to be reminded about.

So how can we help you to improve productivity?

When you first arrive at work, you have a lot of things in the back of your mind that you have to do at home or on the way home from work. If you write all these down when you get to work, you clear your mind ready for work.

If you didn’t do this, these tasks to-do stay in the back of your mind all day and will pop up and disturb your thoughts constantly – that’s if you’re lucky, because nine times out of ten, you’ll forget.

The same also occurs when you leave work at night; you spend the time driving home remembering what you have to do tomorrow.

Effectively, what you are doing is to mind dump to clear your mind of all the stuff from home when you enter work; the same thing at night – clear your mind of all the work things. It’s a means of stress relief as you aren’t bringing your problems to work from home, and vice versa, you aren’t taking your work problems home at night.

This is where RMBR comes into its own.

The first task for the day when you get to work is to set yourself a reminder in RMBR to trigger before you leave that night with what you need to do on the way home. The last task for the day just before you leave – set yourself a reminder for first thing the next morning for what you need to remember when you start work.

So can this help you in your business?

Absolutely it can – if you have something that needs to happen at a particular time or day, or you or your staff need to get something done by a certain time, then RMBR is the work tool for you.

Personally, we use it for reminding ourselves about:

  • GST returns;
  • ACC levies payable;
  • Registrations and WOF's due;
  • Appointments;
  • Picking the kids up off the school bus;
  • When to do systems backup;
  • When to check for upgrades for our Virus Scanner;
  • Something as simple as getting the washing in;
  • What the last day for payment of our property rates is.

If there is something we want to remember, we create a new entry in RMBR and then forget about it. We tend to use RMBR to prioritise what we are doing for the day as well, which means it helps to keep our day planned out. You enter your task and decide when to do it – give it a date AND a time to force yourself to plan your day; if you don’t care about a time, then just enter a date.

What RMBR also comes with are a couple of features that makes life easier.

When you get a reminder splashed onto your screen, you can make a decision about whether you want to do the “thing” now, or wait for a bit – if you’re in the middle of something, you can let the reminder Snooze for between 5 minutes to 2 weeks. It’s quick and easy; the Snoozing is a means for delaying what needs to be done until you are ready to deal with the event.

When you enter your event into RMBR, you get to choose to “repeat” the reminder once it’s finished from every 15 minutes to every so-many years.

For us, we have a reminder set for “Virus Scanner Updates” each Tuesday at 7:30am; so, once we’ve done the upgrade and then shelved or dismissed the notification, the next reminder is automatically created for us.

If you would like to customise RMBR to encompass additional ideas, please email us.

RMBR has made a huge difference to us in how we work.

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