software development, software testing and consulting

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Software Testing

Development of software testing plans for a system, review of the results of the program testing plus advice or development of QA standards as a means of continuous improvement.

The purpose of software testing is to break the application BEFORE the User does, allowing the developer of the application to address any issues found.

If you have a system or particular application that you want tested, then let me at it!

Typically, we normally start with looking at the User Requirements and System Design documents previously produced and developing a testing strategy. By extracting what the system is designed to do or suppose to do, we make sure that any tests performed are tailored so that tests are not performed for things that weren't designed for.

If you haven't got these documents, then there's no problem as we can still develop strategies from looking at the system being produced and making the agreed strategy based on this review.

If you are the one producing the new application, then the feedback given to the Programmer regarding any bugs found means that particular areas can be addressed so that the same mistakes are not produced again. For example, if the program constantly fails when a zero or negative number is entered by a User, a new standard could be introduced that requires the setting of range limits on numeric fields.

As well as the testing to make sure the application does what it's supposed to do, checks can also be performed to make sure that any programming standards the company may use have been met.

Other areas that could also be checked including:

  • Look-and-feel of the system: everything works the same way every time.
  • Standard screen layouts: everything in its right place.
  • Standard Report layouts: same things in the same places working the same way.
  • Standard colours: everything coloured the same.
  • Tidiness: fields line up on screens and the spacings are standard.

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