software development, software testing and consulting

M: +64 0275 ONESTO (663786)

Information Systems Development

IT Systems Development involves everything and anything within the entire information systems development lifecycle; User Requirements or Problem Analysis, software design, programming, software testing, information systems implementation and post implementation reviews.

Whether your requirement is a modification necessary to your existing system, a bug in your system that needs to be documented and fixed, or you have a requirement for a new application to be developed, we can provide the required help for you.

We work within a Systems Development Methodology that basically defines the steps that should be followed in producing a system. However, as with all methodologies, only the Client’s pre-agreed steps and tasks are performed and the defined deliverables produced during the systems development.

At pre-determined and agreed stages during the systems development, reviews are performed and the approval for the next stage to commence is given. What this means is that before each stage or step commences, you know what's going to be delivered, when it's going to be delivered and how much it would cost; no surprises.

For maintenance or adding extra functions to your existing system, the same types of steps would be done – you get to know what's to be done, when it's to be done, how long it would take and how much it would cost; again, the "no surprises" philosophy.

The programming language of choice that we use, Clarion, allows us to interface with most file types - in other words, within reason, Clarion allows us to place a "blanket" over your files and use the information to create what's required.

Basically, we can provide help and support for any of the phases of the Systems Development lifecycle of:

  • Project Initiation
  • User Requirements
  • Systems Design
  • Programming
  • Program and Systems Testing
  • Systems Implementation
  • Post Implementation Reviews

Give us a call to discuss your IT and systems development requirements ...

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